About Our Non-Profit

The Wimberley Fig Tree Outreach Program is a source of nutritional support for children in need in Wimberley, Texas.

The Wimberley Fig Tree Outreach Program is a non-profit organization that grew out of a passion for children, helping others, and feeding those in need. Our goal is to provide support to children in the Wimberley area who struggle with a consistent source of food.

Children who rely on the school free or reduced meal program for their daily meals can oftentimes benefit from additional food throughout the weekend. Anyone can enroll in the program. We then provide these children with take home bags filled with easy-to-open foods to eat for the weekends.

Our Services


Take Home Bags

Students enrolled in the Fig Tree Outreach Program at Blue Hole Primary School, Jacobs Well Elementary School, Danforth Junior High School, and Texan Academy receive a take-home bag every Friday. These bags are loaded up with nutritious foods.

Snack Bins

Teachers and children have access to snack bins stocked with healthy foods. Children that are hungry can visit these during the school day.

Food Pantry

The Wimberley High School Wellness Center and Katherine Anne Porter Charter School both have a pantry stocked with Fig Tree food for kids to take home when needed.

Mobile Pantry

During the pandemic and when needed, students have the option to visit our mobile pantry on Fridays. Here, the students are able to pick up their take home bag.


What’s Included in Our Bags?

Every child enrolled in our program receives the same food. All food included in the backpacks require minimal preparation and are non-perishable goods.

Sample Foods Include:

  • Canned/pouches of tuna and/or chicken

  • Canned beans

  • Packaged peanut butter

  • Boxed milk

  • Canned chili or soup

  • Oatmeal

  • Ready-to-eat-cereals

  • Snack items - raisins, applesauce, nuts, popcorn, etc.